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Hidden Treasure


Parlor chandelier inside the Sorrel-Weed House

The floor I am sitting on is cold. The only light illuminating the heavy blackness is the small red glow from my Rempod. My heart beats steadily and seems to pierce the stillness of the room. I take a deep breath, and click on my small flashlight. I reach for my DR60 recorder and hit record.

"Is there anyone in this room with me?" I pause... Did I just hear a shuffle in front of me?

"Was that you? Can you make another noise?" I pause again. My heart has begun to beat faster at this point. I can feel the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

"Are there any soldiers here with me? I pause and click off the recorder. I could have sworn I heard the sound of something moving on the stone floor. With my hand shaking, I pressed the play-back button and listened. The speaker booms in this quiet space. No voices respond to my questions. I sigh and grab my Mel Meter. I look at the temperature and it remains a steady 70 degrees. The EMF reads a steady zero.

I sit there very still and gaze towards the back of the room. I wonder if it's my eyes playing tricks, but I could swear I am witnessing small orbs moving slowly from the furthest corner of the space.

The rempod never waivers and the temperature remains constant.

What a disappointment. I only have a few more minutes alone in this space before the group comes back. I really hoped I would capture something profound. But alas, this is the world of the Paranormal Researcher. Nothing is guaranteed.

After a few more uneventful minutes, I am greeted by the beams of flashlights and the whispers from my group. My time in this space has come to an end. I share my findings of the shuffling noises, orbs, and lack of EVP/EMF and temperature changes with the others. We move on to the next location in the building and continue investigating.

You might be asking yourself, where was I during this session. This investigation took place in the VERY haunted Sorrel-Weed House in Savannah, Georgia. I took some alone time in the portion of the basement that was once a soldier's barracks during the Revolutionary War. This structure has seen so much tragedy throughout it's tumultuous history. Many reports of shadow figures and disembodied voices surround this this small patch of concrete. So you can imagine my disappointment when my solo time yielded such poor results.

The rest of our evening was overall very successful.

When I arrived home from this trip I took some time to upload my recordings to my laptop. Upon reviewing them in my audio software, I came across the basement EVP session. I was about to delete the file when I decided to give it one last listen with the studio headphones.

The familiar session played back:

Is there anyone in this room with me?"... (Shuffle noise audible to me, not captured on the recorder)

"Was that you? Can you make another noise?".......

"Are there any soldiers here with me?"....... "breath....breath....breath"

Astonished. I practically leapt off my chair. I immediately enhanced the section of audio with the breath sounds. "I'" Soft, ever so soft, but there it was nonetheless.

By no means would I consider this to be the best EVP I've ever captured, but certainly audible. This would suggest an intelligent energy.

The moral of this story: spend some time with a fine-tooth comb after investigations to review evidence. You just might find what you were looking for after all!

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