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Illuminating The Supernatural


The chill came over me so quickly that I let out a tiny gasp. I felt a wave of goosebumps creeping along my arms and legs. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I felt that uneasy and yet familiar shift of energy engulf my senses.

My eyes dart towards the sudden flash of light illuminating the dimly lit bedroom. Am I crazy, or did I just actually see that? I wonder to myself. I stand so still that I begin to wonder if the fear has locked my limbs in place. Seconds turn to minutes as I do my best to control my breathing. And just as quickly as before, the flash of light goes off again. The small flashlight has now turned on and off on it's own a second time. I take a deep breath and steady my voice. I begin to ask questions and the light blinks on and off in response.

A day in the life of a paranormal investigator can oftentimes consist of waiting around quietly in the dark hoping the bump in the night can reveal itself in some grand show. The truth is that many nights spent on investigations may yield little or no evidence at all. Ghost hunting equipment is used to capture, validate, and record occurrences and anomalies. And this equipment can vary from super affordable to extremely expensive. As a self-proclaimed "Gear Junky," I pride myself in curating a wide array of devices to use on my investigations that range from $5-3,000. I am a firm believer that a well-rounded investigation should have a multifaceted approach with both experiments and equipment. Funny enough, some of the least expensive tools can provide wonderful evidence at times.

In my opening paragraph I talked about my experience while investigating the infamous doll room of the King-Cromartie House. I placed a small MagLight flashlight on the bed alongside a stuffed bear. The cap was unscrewed just enough so that it barely touched the battery compartment. So a slight turn would light up the device or turn it off. Questions received responses from the light for a significant amount of time. The light even matched the beat of the song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," as myself and several other investigators sang the popular nursery rhyme.

I have used the flashlight experiment on several investigations and find myself awestruck with the experiences I have had. This simple device has truly changed the way I investigate. Some other investigations that stand out in my mind are from a night spent in a Homestead cemetery where the spirit of a little boy manipulated several motion and light up devices on command including the flashlight. While investigating the Devil's Tree in Port St. Lucie the flashlight turned on an off when questions were directed towards serial killer, Gerard John Schaefer. The light also came in handy when investigating the haunted Hotel Redland's speakeasy whiskey den.

Sometimes the simple approach is all you need to garner evidence of the afterlife. If you are questioning this post I strongly encourage you to test this experiment for yourself. If you have tried this on an investigation, I would also love to hear from you! Please drop a comment here, or visit my social media accounts on Instagram or TikTok to share your experience.

Flashlight goes off by itself inside the King-Cromartie House


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